The framework of the curriculum for educators
We have developed the curriculum for educators on a competency-based approach supported by the principle of didactics relating to socially acute issues. We have defined the set of key competencies which implies consideration of animal welfare education. We have specified the significant work situations in which these competencies are involved.
We have chosen to integrate a constructivist and socio-constructivist approach into our pedagogy. In other words, we consider that the educators have conceptions about animal welfare education and the professional practices associated with it. The pedagogical approach should consequently be developed with regards to these conceptions and to the obstacles and levers that they highlight and that need to be overcome.
Several strategies can be used to challenge these conceptions. Those presented in the Anicare project are based on specific pedagogical tools: (1) films of professional practices of breeders commented by the breeders themselves and by scientists with regards to the consideration of animal welfare, (2) films of educators speaking about animal welfare education, (3) the Aniphi platform for working at distance with learners.
These tools are designed to stimulate debate and controversy around problem situations (dilemmas, philosophical questions, case studies) in order to encourage the professionalisation of the educators.
The steps we propose should not be seen as a turnkey process, but rather as benchmarks that should help the teacher, the educator, the trainer to build his or her own pedagogical strategy.
1. Our theoretical framework
2. The competencies targeted
3. The significant professional situations
4. Collecting the conceptions about animal welfare education
5. The main obstacles to overcome
6. Motivating participants about animal welfare education
7. Creating and maintaining a confident atmosphere
8. Creating and leading an open and by-distance process
9. Making experiment and analyse a specific pedagogical strategy
9.1. Design and make design a controversy map
9.2. Propose an adapted problem situation
9.3. Prepare and lead a debate
9.4. Take in consideration the emotions related to animal welfare
9.5. Implement an intercultural confrontation
10. Reflecting on a pedagogical activity
11. Choosing a posture adapted to the pedagogical activity
12. Institutionalizing the main learnings of a pedagogical activity
13. Creating a process of evaluation
14. Integrating animal welfare education in a curricula for educators
15. A glossary of main pedagogical terms
Each file will present some of the main principles, methods and tools that the partners of Anicare have used, some of the results obtained, and some recommendations according to lessons learned. We have used the word “educator” in all the files to represent teachers and counsellors who are the trainees of the pedagogical process and the word “trainer” for the person who teaches the educators. Be creative and we hope you enjoy yourselves!